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31 May 2020

Instruction set of 8085 microprocessor

Instruction set of 8085 microprocessor  | Instruction set | What is instruction set ? | Types of instructions | Data transfer instructions |Arithmetic instructions |Logical instructions | Branch instructions | Machine control instructions |

            -: Instruction Set :- 
Instruction set is defined as - Instruction is the commands given by user to the microprocessor and need to be get executed by the processor, then these group of instruction is known as instruction set.

       -: Types of Instruction :- 
There are some types of instructions of 8085 microprocessor these are-
1-Data transfer instructions
2-Arithmetic instructions
3-Logical instructions
4-Branch instructions
5-Machine control instructions
1-Data transfer instructions:-This instruction used to copy the data from memory / register location to another memory / register location.

MOV(Move)-This instruction copy is the content of source register / memory locations to destination register / memory locations.
Ex-MOV source,destination

MVI(move immediate data)-This instruction is used to move immediate  data into the specified register.
Ex-MVI R,8-bit data

LXI(load register pair immediate)-This instruction load 16 bit data in the register pair BC,DE and HL with the data byte available immediate.

Ex-LXI Rp, 16 bit address.

LHLD(Load H and L register direct)-This instruction copies the content of memory location pointed by 16 bit address in register L and copies the content of next memory location in register H.
Ex-LHLD 16 bit address

LDA(load accumulator direct)-This instruction copy the data of the given memory location in accumulator.
Ex-LDA 16 bit address

LDAX (load accumulator indirect)-This instruction copies the content of memory location whose address is specified by register pair into the accumulator.

SHLD (store H and L register direct)-This instruction store the content of register in the memory location given within the instruction and content of H register at address next to it
Ex- SHLD, 16-bit address

STA(store accumulator direct)-The content of accumulator is copied into memory location is specified by operand(16 bit address).

Ex-STA, 16 bit address

STAX(store accumulator indirect)-the content of accumulator are copied into memory location is specified by register pair.
Ex-STAX 16 bit address

2. Arithmetic instructions:-These instruction are used for arithmetic operations like addition subtraction increment/decrement.
For Addition instruction

ADD(ad register / memory data to accumulator)-this instruction add the content of register or memory with the content of accumulator and result is store in accumulator.


ADI(Add immediate data to accumulator)-date with data are added to content of accumulator and result store in accumulator.
 Ex-ADI 8 bit data 

ACI(Add immediate data to accumulator with carry)-this instruction at the 8 bit data and carry flag with akinator content and result store in accumulator.
Ex-ACI 8 bit data

ADC(Add register data to accumulator with carry)-the content of register or memory are carry flag are added to contents of accumulator and result is placed in accumulator.

DAD(add register pair to H and L register)-this instruction is used to add the 16 bit contents of specified register with content of register pair HL and sum is saved in HL register.

SUB(subtract register or memory from accumulator)-this instruction is used to to subtract the content of register or memory from accumulator and result student accumulator.  

SUI(subtract immediate data from accumulator)-The 8 bit data are subtracted from the content of accumulator and result is stored in accumulator.
Ex- 8 bit data

SBB(subtract source and borrow from accumulator)-the content of register or memory and the borrow flag are subtracted from the contents of accumulator and result are placed in accumulator.

Ex- R/M

SBI(subtract immediate with borrow)-the 8 bit data and borrow are subtracted from the content of accumulator.
Ex-SBI, 8 bit data

INR(instrument content of registers / memory by 1)-this instruction used to tu increment the content of register / memory by 1 and result store in same place.


INX(increment register pair by 1)-this instruction used to increments the content of specified register pair by 1.

DCR (requirement source by 1)-the content of designated register / memory is decrement by 1 and Store the result in same place.


DCX(decrement register pair by 1)-this instruction used to determine the content of register pair by 1.

3. Logical instructions-These are the instruction used to perform the logical operation like AND,OR and XOR.

ANA(logically AND with accumulator)-the content of accumulator are logically AND with the content of register or memory location and result stored in accumulator.


ANI(AND immediate with accumulator)-this instruction used to ANDed the contents of accumulator with specified 8 bit data and result is placed in accumulator.
Ex-ANA, 8 bit data

XRA(XOR with accumulator)-the content of a specified register or memory definition are XOR with the contents of of accumulator and result is placed in accumulator.

XRI(XOR immediate with accumulator)-the output data are XOR with the content of accumulator and result Store in same place.
 Ex-XRI 8 bit data

ORA(logically OR with accumulator)-this instruction used to logically ORthe contents of accumulator with content of register or memory location.

ORI(logically OR immediate)-the contents of accumulator are logical OR with the 8-bit data in operand and result is Store in accumulator.
Ex-ORI, 8-bit data

CPI(logically compare immediate)-this instruction used to compare data with the content of accumulator of less than equal to or greater.

CMP (logically compare)-this instruction used to compare the content of memory with the content of accumulator of less than equal to or greater than.
RAR-this instruction rotates the content of accumulator right by 1 position bit B0 is placed in CY and CY placed in B7 as shown in figure.

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