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07 March 2020

Boiler , Elements of Boiler , Classification of Boilers , Boiler Mounting , Boiler Accessories

Boiler is a pressure vessel designed to heat the water and produce steam by heating these steam is used for power production in turbine.

Principle element of boiler:- 

1- Shell :- It is made of alloy steel which is bend in the form of calendar and joined with the help of rivets and welding at the end of cylinder concave plates are welded. 
2- Furnace :- It is situated below the shell where fuel are burn. 
3- Tubes :- Different types of tubes made of steel attached to dram through which water and steam are passes . Super-heated tubes are made of different materials whose thermal conductivity is larger than ordinary tubes. 
4- Chimney ( Drought ) :- It is used to rejected flue gaseous above the plant by the help of pressure difference.
5- Feed water pump :- It is used for feed the water in a boiler shell. 

Boiler Mounting :- 
                                              It is used to produced safety during boiler operation following  are several boiler mounting.
  • Leaver safety valve 
  • Water pressure gauge
  • Feed check valve 
  • Fusion plug 
  • Blow off cock 
Boiler Accessories :- 
                                                    There are several boiler accessories use in boiler it's work to increase the boiler efficiency.
  • Super heater / Steam super heater 
  • Economizer
  • Air pre-heater 
  • Feed water heating device 
  • Drought producing device  
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              -:Classification Of Boiler:-  

1-According to water and flue gases flow :-
                                                                         According to water and flue gases flow boiler are of two types -
(a)- Water Tube Boiler
(b)- Fire Tube Boiler

(a)  Water tube boiler :- 
                                                               In a water tube boiler water flow in a tubes where as flue gases are flow over the tube.
 For Example- Babcock and Wilcox boiler , Sterling boiler.

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(b)  Fire tube boiler :-
                                                         In fire tube boiler flue gases flow in the tube and water flow over the tube. 
For Example- Lancashire boiler , Locomotive boiler , Cochran boiler , Cornish boiler .

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2- According to drum arrangement  :- 
                                                                                              According to drum arrangement boiler are following three types -
(a)- Horizontal Drum Boiler
(b)- Vertical Drum Boiler 
(c)- Inclined Drum Boiler

(a)  Horizontal drum boiler :- Those boiler in which drums are in horizontal position are horizontal  drum boiler.
 Ex- Lancashire boiler, Locomotive boiler, Babcock Wilcox boiler.

(b)  Vertical drum boiler :- Those boiler in which drums are vertical position drum boiler are in vertical drum boiler.
 Ex-Cochran boiler 

(c)  Inclined drum boiler :- Those boiler in which drums are in inclined position are inclined drum boiler.
 Ex- Sterling Boiler .

3-According to Firing :- 
                                                              According to firing Boiler are of following two types -
(a). Externally Fired Boiler 
(b). Internally Fired Boiler 

(a)  Externally fired boiler :- Those boiler in which flue gases generate out side the drum are know as externally fired boiler.
 Ex- Babcock Wilcox boiler.
Image Source : Google 

(a)  Internally fired boiler :- Those boiler in which flue gases generating in side the drum are know as Internally fired boiler.
 Ex- Lancashire boiler.

Image Source : Google

4-According to application :-
                                                According to the application Boilers are of following two types - 
(a)- Stationary Boiler 
(b)- Mobile Boiler

(a)  Stationary boiler :- Those boiler which produced steam in a fixed place are know as Stationary boiler.
 Ex- Babcock Wilcox boiler an, Lancashire boiler.
(b)  Mobile Boiler :- Those boiler which produced steam moving one place to other place a know as mobile boiler.
 Ex- Locomotives boiler , Marine boiler.
Image Source :Google
5-According  to pressure arrangement :- 
                                                                                                    According to pressure arrangement boiler are of following five types -

a)  Low pressure boiler ( 8 - 20 bar )
b)  Medium pressure boiler ( 20-40 bar)
C)  High pressure boiler ( 40-140 bar ) 
d)  Super high pressure boiler ( 140-220 bar
e)  Super critical pressure boiler ( 225 bar is above)

6-According to drought arrangement :- 
                                                                                                 According to the drought arrangement boiler are of following two types -

a)  Natural drought 
b)  Artificial drought

7-According to fuel :
                                                    According to the fuel used in boiler , boiler are of following three types - 

a) Solid fuel boiler ( coal, wood )
b) Liquid fuel boiler ( Petrol,Diesel, kerosene )
c) Gas fuel boiler ( Producer gas , LPG )

8-According to capacity :- 
                                             According to the capacity of boiler , boilers are of following three types - 

a) Low capacity boiler ( 4000-6000 kg )
b) Medium capacity boiler ( 10000- 75000 kg )
c) High capacity boiler ( 100 ton/hour )
Image Source : Google

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