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03 April 2020

Chip Formation , Types of Chip

                               -:Chip Formation:-

Chip formation is part of the process of cutting materials by mechanical means, using tools such as saws, lathes and milling cutters.
     The chip formation in metal cutting can be broadly categorized into three types-
(1)- Discontinuous chip
(2)- Continuous chip
(3)- Built up Edge chips/continuous chip with BUE

1-Discontinuous Chip:- When the chips formed during machining process is not continuous i.e. formed with breakage the chip formation is called discontinuous chips. 
Discontinuous types of chips and bronze and cast iron is machined.

Conditions for formation of Discontinuous chip:-
                                                                                     There are following conditions for formation of discontinuous chip - 

1- Low cutting speed.
2- Small rope angle of the tool.
3- Low feed rate.
4- High friction forces at the chip tool interface.
5- Too much depth of cut.

                        The formation of discontinuous  types of chips in brittle materials provides good surface finish , increases the tool life and reduces the consumption of power . 

Disadvantages :- 
                              When discontinuous chips are formed in the ductile materials the work-piece result in poor surface finish and excessive wear and tear of the tool takes place .

2:- Continuous chips :- When metal chips formed during machining is without segments i.e. without breakage, then it is called as continuous tyke of chips.
Continuous chips are formed when the ductile material is machined with nigh cutting speed and minimum friction b\w the chip and fool face.

Conditions for formation of Continuous chips :-
1- Ductile material like mild steel is used.
2- Large rake angle of tool.
3- High cutting speed.
4- Minimum friction b\w the chip and tool interface.
5- Small depth of cut.
Advantages :- 

                          The formation of continuous chips during machining process has the following advantages:-
1- Better surface finish to the ductile material.
2- Less heat generation due to minimum friction b\w the fool face and chip. 
3- Low power consumption.
4- Long tool lite due to less wear and tear.

3- Continuous chips with BUE:-
                                                        When chip formed by machining ductile material win high friction at the chip tool interface  is known as continuous chip with BUE. 
                  It is similar to the continuous types of chips but it is of less smoothness due to the built up edge.

Image Source : Google

Condition for formation of BUE chips:-
1- Stronger adhesion b/w chips and tool face.
2- Low rake angle.
3- Large uncut thickness / Low cutting speed.
4- Excessive feed rate.

Advantages:- The making of the BUE has one advantages i.e. it protects the tool .from getting damaged from high friction and fem generated during machining process and hence the tool life increases.

Disadvantages:- The formation of these types of chips results in rough surface finish, change in the rape angle and cutting forces.



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