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23 April 2020

Geometry of Single point Cutting Tool / Single point Cutting tool

-:Geometry of Single point Cutting Tool :-
            Single point Cutting tool
When a cutting tool contains only one cutting edge is known as single point cutting tool.
                            It remove large amount of metal in quickly again rotating the work-piece. Boring ,turning are performed by using single point cutting tool in lathe machine.  

Image Source : Google 

Angle of Single point cutting tool :- 

1- Back rake angle:- The angle between tool face and line parallel to basic of tool is known as back rake angle . It is also known as Top Rake Angle . The angle may be positive or negative for depends upon amount of cutting edge . 

2- Relief / Clearance Angle :- When the slope is given download from cutting edge it is divided in two types of clearance angle - 

(i)- Side Relief / Side clearance angle 
(ii)- End Relief / End Clearance angle 

(i)- Side Clearance Angle :- The angle between side of flank and perpendicular line to tool base , it is known as side relief angle . This angle provides to help of avoid rubbing when tool is feed sideways into job . 
                            In case the side relief angle is large , the tool cutting edge will be breakdown because of insufficient support . 

(ii)- End Clearance Angle :- The angle between flank of end and line perpendicular to tool base measuring along right angle to flank of end is called as end clearance angle . 
                                 This angle is used to prevent the cutting tool from rubbing again work job . If the relief angle is very large , it will be break down due to insufficient support of cutting tool . 

3- End Cutting Edge Angle :- The angle between the end or auxiliary cutting edge and the work axis , is known as end cutting edge angle . It varies between 0⁰ to 30⁰ . 
                                It provides the requirement clearance to the trailing edge and reduces the drag that tends to cause chatter . 

4- Cutting Angle :- The angle between the face of tool and the line tangent to the machined surface at the cutting point is known as cutting angle . 

5- Lip Angle :- The angle between the tool face and the ground end surface of flank is known as lip angle . It is usually between 60 to 80 .

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