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01 May 2020

LIDAR , Components , Functions , Applications of LIDAR

                                       -: LIDAR :- 
          [ Light Detection And Ranging ]

 LIDAR is an acronym for Light Detection and Ranging and defined as -
A remote sensing lasers systems which have been used for monitoring the environment , such systems are called LIDAR . 
             Basically , LIDAR  is an optical remote sensing technology which measures the properties of scattered light to find the range or other information of a distance target . The major applications of LIDAR are monitoring of the environment , atmospheric research and metrology . 

image source : google 

Component of LIDAR and their function :-                                                                                                               It consists of a laser transmitter with beam expander which emits pulse corresponding to specific wavelengths . At receiver side , it consists of a telescope this collects the back scattered light from atmosphere . The optical analyzer selects specific wavelengths and send them to detector . In detector , the optical signal is converted into electrical signal . The function of the photo-detector is to measure the time depends on the intensity of the back scattered laser light . The time variation can be simply converted into the height from which the laser beam has been scattered . Photo-detector used is either photo multiplies or silicon avalanche photo-diodes . 
                    The block diagram of LIDAR is shown in figure -


Application of LIDAR :- 

1- LIDAR is used to study the concentration and sizes of various particles present in the atmosphere . 

2- LIDAR is also used for monitoring the environment such as the presence of clouds etc. 

3- LIDAR is used for probing the stratosphere . 

4- LIDAR is also used to study winds . 


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