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01 May 2020

Hologram , Holography, Characteristics , Principle , Construction , Reconstruction and Application of Holography

              - : Hologram/Holography :- 

Holography is a lens less photography is defined as - 
A lens less photography in which the three dimensional image of the object is formed  is known as holography and this image is known as hologram . 

Image Source : Google 

      Each and every part of the hologram has complete information about the object .If hologram has broken then we reconstruct image through a peace of hologram . 

Principle of Holography :-                                                                                                              The principle of holography is based on the phenomenon of interference between two beams , that is , object beam and reference beam . The incident laser light is split into two beams . One beam reaches the photographic plate after reflection from the object and is called the object beam . The other beam falls on a plane mirror which reflects it towards the photographic plate and is called reference beam . Both reference and object beam having information of amplitude and phase of the light wave interference pattern . This pattern is recorded on the photographic plate which is called hologram , one can reproduce the three dimensional image exactly as object from this hologram . 

Construction of Hologram :-                                                                           

  When a laser beam is incident on beam splitter , then beam splitter divided it into two parts , one beam of these divided beams is reached on object and light scattered by the object . Same process apply in case of mirror after this an interference pattern is formed which we get due to superposition of two beams is reached on the photographic plate . This developed plate is known as hologram . 

Reconstruction of Hologram :- 

In the reconstruction process , the hologram is illuminated by a reconstruction wave . The reconstruction wave after passing through the hologram produces two images . One of them appears at the original position occupied by the object and the other which can be photo-graphic directly without using a lens . 

Characteristics of Hologram :- 

1- The image constructed by hologram has three - dimensional view and therefore is more realistic than that formed in ordinary photography . 

2- Each point on the hologram receives light from all parts of the object and therefore contains information about the geometrical characteristics of the entire image . 

3- A hologram may contain a number of consequently recorded scenes that can be recorded independently . 

4- A hologram copied from another by contact printing would be identical in all respects that produced by the original . 

Applications of Holography :- 
1- Security - Holography is widely used for security purpose in many currencies , credit cards , bank cards as well as DVDs . 

2- Data Storage - Holography can be used to store information at high density inside crystals or photo-polymers. 

3- To Detect Optical Path - Holography can also used to detect optical path length variations in transparent media . 

4- Engineering Structures - Holography can also be used to measure stress , strain and vibration in engineering structures . 

5- It is used to make a hologram of any wave . 

6- It is used to study the electric and magnetic field in thin film . 


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