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13 May 2020

Ferromagnetic Materials , Ferromagnetism , Domain theory and Characteristics of ferromagnetic materials

-: Ferromagnetic Materials / Ferromagnetism :- 

The behaviour of ferromagnetic materials are similar to paramagnetic but strength is very high . When such type of materials are placed in a strong magnetic field , then they strongly magnetized along the direction of the magnetic field . Such type of materials have tendency to self magnetization and these materials are known as ferromagnetic materials  and this property of material is known as ferromagnetism . 

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Domain Theory of Ferromagnetism :- In domain theory of ferromagnetism , the dipolar molecules of the materials are aligned in a special region in same direction and that particular region has magnetism but resultant magnetism in material is zero. 


               When such materials are placed in an external magnetic field then the area of regions which are aligned along the direction of magnetic field are increases and material get polarized then that particular regions are known as Domain and this theory is known as Domain theory of Ferromagnetism . 

Characteristics of Ferromagnetic Materials :- A ferromagnetic material has the following features- 
1- The relative permeability of ferromagnetic substance is very high , of the order of thousands . 
2- The magnetic susceptibility of ferromagnetic materials is positive and very high . It is depend on the temperature . On increasing the temperature susceptibility will decreases . 
3- Ferromagnetic substances after a certain point of temperature becomes paramagnetic . This certain point of temperature is known as curie temperature . 
Ex- Fe , Ni , Co etc . 

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