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14 May 2020

Magnetic Materials , Classification of magnetic materials and Their characteristics

-: Magnetic Materials :- 

Magnetic materials are defined as - Those materials which can be either attracted or repelled when placed in an external magnetic field  are known as magnetic materials and this  property of magnetic materials is known as magnetism . 

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             Due to magnetic materials or magnetism a field is generated around these magnetic materials , this field is known as magnetic field .          

-: Classification of Magnetic Materials (Magnetism):- 

On the basis of magnetic properties materials are classified in following five categories-
1- Diamagnetic materials  (Diamagnetism)
2- Paramagnetic materials (Para-magnetism )
3- Ferromagnetic materials(Ferromagnetism)
4- Antiferromagnetic materials (Antiferromagnetism)
5- Ferrimagnetic materials (Ferrimagnetism)

1- Diamagnetic Materials (Diamagnetism):- In atoms of the diamagnetic materials even no. of electrons  are there. All the elections are pair. The atoms do not have any dipole moment. When such type of materials are placed in strong magnetic field then they acquire feebly magnetism opposite to the direction of applied magnetic field. Such type of materials are known as diamagnetic materials and its behavior is known as diamagnetism.

Characteristics of Diamagnetic materials- There are following characteristics of diamagnetic materials - 
1- When such type of materials are placed in a non uniform magnetic field they move towards the weaker region of magnetic field.
2- The magnetic susceptibility of diamagnetic materials is negative and lees then one.
3- The susceptibility of such type of materials are independent from the temperature.
4- The bar of a diamagnetic materials stays at right angle when suspended between the holes.
Examples:- Bismuth, Antimony, Gold, Water,Hydrogen, Alcohol etc.

2- Paramagnetic Materials :- In that material odd number of electrons i.e. one electron is unpaired of their atom . Since atoms have permanent magnetic moment when such materials are placed in a strong magnetic field then they feebly magnetized along the direction of magnetic field , then this type of material is called paramagnetic materials and this magnetic behaviour is known as para-magnetization or paramagnetism . 

Characteristics of Paramagnetic Materials :- The characteristic of paramagnetic materials are given as - 
1- When such type of materials are placed in a non-uniform magnetic field then they move towards the stronger region of magnetic field . 
2- The magnetic susceptibility of such type materials is positive and less than one . 
3- The magnetic susceptibility of paramagnetic substances are inversely proportional to the absolute temperature . 
4- When a bar of paramagnetic substance is suspended between pols then it lines parallel to the magnetic force of lines . 
Ex- Aluminum , Chromium , Oxygen ( exception ) etc . 

3- Ferromagnetic Materials :-  The behaviour of ferromagnetic materials are similar to paramagnetic but strength is very high . When such type of materials are placed in a strong magnetic field , then they strongly magnetized along the direction of the magnetic field . Such type of materials have tendency to self magnetization and these materials are known as ferromagnetic materials .
Also read , 
Domain theory of ferromagnetic materials 

Characteristics of Ferromagnetic materials :- A Ferromagnetic materials have following characteristics -
1- The relative permeability of ferromagnetic substance is very high , of the order of thousands . 
2- The magnetic susceptibility of ferromagnetic materials is positive and very high . It is depend on the temperature . On increasing the temperature susceptibility will decreases . 
3- Ferromagnetic substances after a certain point of temperature becomes paramagnetic . This certain point of temperature is known as curie temperature
Ex- Fe , Ni , Co etc . 

4- Antiferromagnetic Materials :- In which materials , the spin magnetic moment of neighbouring atoms are aligned   in an anti-parallel order with same length are called antiferromagnetic materials

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Characteristics of Antiferromagnetic Materials :- An antiferromagnetic material has the following characteristics- 
1- In the absence of external magnetic field magnetism in the antiferromagnetic materials is zero . 
2- When antiferromagnetic materials are placed in an external magnetic field then they feebly magnetized along the direction of magnetic field . 
3- Antiferromagnetism is depend on the temperature , on increasing the temperature magnetism will decrease . 

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                After a certain point of temperature antiferromagnetic materials becomes paramagnetic . This point of temperature is known as Neel Temperature .

Ex- MnO , FeO , NiO etc . 

5- Ferrimagnetic Materials :- In which materials , the atomic dipoles are anti-parallel but unequal are called ferrimagnetic materials . 

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      When such type of materials are placed in an external magnetic field then they highly magnetized in comparison with antiferromagnetic materials . 
Ex- MnOFe3O4 , NiOFe3O4 etc 

Also Read, 
Curie Temperature 

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