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27 May 2020

Power electronics, Applications , Scope of power electronics

Power Electronics | Applications of Power Electronics | Scope of Power Electronics |  Characteristics of Controllable switch | 

                -: Power electronics :- 

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Power electronics is the combination of Power engineering and electronic engineering. Power engineering is based on electromagnetic principles and electronics engineering is based on physical phenomena of vacuum.
    The power electronics is a subject that concerns with application of electronics principle in to the situation that are rated at power level rather than the signal level.For example semiconductor power switches such as thyristor, GTOs etc.the major component of power electronics system as shown in from the block diagram in figure.
    Main power source maybe and AC supply system for a DC supply system. the output from the power electronic circuit may be variable DC or AC voltage.the output of a power electronics converter circuit depends upon the requirement of the load. the feedback component in figure measure the parameter of the load and compare with the command.


Power electronics block diagram

-: Application of power electronics:- 

There are some applications of power electronics are given as - 
1- Aerospace-Power electronics used in aerospace as space shuttle power supplies, satellite power supply, aircraft power system.
2- Commercial-power electronics used in commercial as advertising, heating, air conditioning, Central refrigeration, computer and office equipment etc.
3-Industrial-Power electronics used in industrial as as arc and industrial furnaces, blowers and fans pumps and compressors, transformer top chargers etc.
4- Residential-power electronics use in residential  to air conditioning cooking, lighting, space heating, refrigerators, electric doors openers, dryer, fans and etc.
5-Telecommunication-it is used in telecommunication to battery chargers, power supplies (DC and UPS).
6-Transportation-Power electronics used in transportation to traction control of electric vehicles, battery chargers, streetcars, trolleybuses, subways and etc.
7-Utility system-Power electronics used in utility system to transmission high DC voltage (HVDC), excitation system,VAR compensation, static circuit breakers, fans and boiler feed pumps etc.

             -: Scope of power electronics:- 

      The main scope of power electronics depends on the following steps-
(i)-Switch mode (DC) supplies and uninterruptible  power supplies-advance in microelectronics fabrication technology have led to development of computers, communications, equipment and consumer electronics, all of which require regulated DC power supplies and uninterruptible power supplies.
(ii)- Energy conservation-Increasing energy costs and concern for environment have combined to make energy conservation a property.
(iii)-Transportation-in many countries electric trains have been in widespread use for a long time there is also possibilities of using electric vehicles in lodge metropolitan to reduce smog and pollution. Electric vehicles would also require battery chargers that utilize Power electronics.
(iv)- Electro-technical applications-these include equipment for welding, electroplating and induction heating.
(v) -Utility related applications-this is a one such application is in transmission of power over High voltage DC (HVDC) lines. at the sending end of the transmission line, line frequency voltages and current are converted into DC.

          Desired characteristic of controllable switch

The following characteristics in a controllable switch are desire- 
(a)-Small leakage current in off state.
(b)-Short  turn-on and turn-off times
(c)-Large forward and reverse voltage blocking capability
 (d)-High on-state current rating.
(e)-Small controlling power required to switch the device
(f)-Positive temperature coefficient of on state resistance
(g)-Large dv/dt and di/dt rating
(h)-Small controlling power required to switch the device.

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