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08 May 2020

Transmission Mode , Types of Transmission Mode , Transmission Technology , Types of Transmission Technology

          -:TRANSMISSION MODE:-                        

Transmission mode is defined as - The mechanism of transferring of data between two devices which connected over a network , is known as transmission mode . It is also known as communication mode . 

Types of transmission mode :- There are three types of transmission mode - 

1- simplex transmission mode 
2- Half duplex transmission mode 
3- Full duplex transmission mode

1-Simplex transmission mode-  It is a communication channel that sends information is one direction only.It is also called unidirectional because the signal travels is only one direction. 
Ex- Radio,TV,Broadcasting system. 

2- Half duplex transmission mode- In half duplex data transmission can be fake place in both directions but not at the same time. This means that only one side can transmission at a time .
Ex- Walkie talkie devices used by security agencies are half duplex as only one person can talk at one time. 

3- Full duplex transmission mode- Full duplex transmission can take place in both directions at the same time .
Ex- Telephone,mobile conversation is an example of full duplex communication there both sender and receiver can hear each other at the same time .

     -: Transmission Technology :-     
 Transmission Technology is defined as - The physical layer protocol such as modulation, demodulation, line coding, error control etc is known as transmission technology. 
 Types of transmission technology:- Transmission technology  can be categorized broadly into two types - 
1- Broadcast Network 

2- Point to point 

 1- Broadcast Network- Single communication channel is shared by all machines. Short message called packets sent by any machines or received by all others .
Ex- BBC,news,TV channels. 
Broadcast Network also are of following two types-
(i)- Broadcasting
(ii)- Multicasting 

(i)-Broadcasting- Broadcast systems generally use a special in the address of field for addressing a packet to all the concern computers .This mode of operation is called broadcasting. 

(ii)-Multicasting- Some broadcast system support transmission to a subset of the machines known as multicasting .

                  Upon receiving a packet , a machine checks the address field. If the packet is addressed to it then the packet is processed otherwise other packet is ignored. 
 2- Point to point- A point to point network is one of the simplest network because it involves only nodes. 
  Ex-  A computer that is connected to a local printer by using USB cable .
                    Point to point network consist of many connections between  individuals pair of machines .To go from the source to the destination a packet on these type of network may have to go through intermediate computers before they reach the desired computer. 

Image Source ;Google

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